#FridayFive: 5 cool tricks with Windows 10 you need to try

10 Windows 10 tricks to try right now

So, Windows 10 has been out for a while and you have probably also downloaded the recent update. But have you tried everything Windows 10 has to offer? We’ve put together 5 tricks you might not know about, give them a try.

1. Windows Key + Left/Right Key: split the screen in two. How cool and easy is this? You know, when you have to write something down from another page or a document and you have to constantly minimize or maximize it? Also, you can talk to your friend on Facebook while checking the news on another window, but we didn’t tell you to do that ????

2. Alt + Tab: another way to see all of the windows open in your tab. Need to switch to another application easily? Just Press Alt+Tab and then use Left/Right mouse buttons to navigate.

3. See what’s taking up space: press the “looking glass” icon on your tab, enter “storage” into the search bar and double-click “This PC” to see which files are taking up most space on your computer. Perhaps, it’s time for a cleanup?

4. Change the color of the start menu: go to Settings > Personalization > Colors & pick the color of the start menu (that will also re-color the bottom tab).

5. Resize the start menu: just click on the menu and drag the edges up or down to resize it the way you want.

Find these handy? Do you have any good tips or trick you’d like to share? Leave them in the comments below.

Set your categories menu in Header builder -> Mobile -> Mobile menu element -> Show/Hide -> Choose menu
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