If you’re out of time to make a proper costume or just want something simple for your halloween outfit – here are some things you can easily print. And if you’re up to a challenge you can also put your hands on something more elaborate.
1. Simple masks. We’ve found a bunch of free and simple masks for you to print over at Super Punch – in case you need something super quick and fun.
2. Foldable masks. This will take a little bit more effort and some glue, but it’s still as simple as just printing off a mask on the printer. Get the different templates at Cut & Fold Costumes.
3. Lightsaber. Over at Disney website they actually have quite a few fun printable ideas & this one is not only quick and easy to make but will also satisfy your inner geek without having to put a lot of effort into the costume.
4. Steve Wintercroft masks. Want something original and a little more elaborate. These masks are guaranteed to have you noticed at any Halloween party – and we think that they look good enough even as house decorations – so, reusable.
5. For the dedicated: Iron Man suit. This will take some top-level dedication and perceveirance but if you end up making this costume it will sure turn some heads. Get a full step-by-step here.
Don’t have a printer? Pop by on your way from work and pick up a cheap and cheerful EPSON printer from our range. It takes minutes to set it up, you don’t have to connect it to your computer & you’ll have a printer costume for your party in a matter of minutes. We’re open 9AM – 6PM Monday – Saturday.