

View from Dansk Design Center – another great venue for a talk

The second day of Social Media Week in Copenhagen started with uneasy cycle (the only efficient way to get around between talks and presentations) against a super-strong wind – at least there was no rain or snow!

Day 2 talk was held at the Microsoft Denmark HQ

I was on my way to Microsoft Denmark HQ to hear a talk on LinkedIn efficiency delivered, yet again, by wonderful Vertic (see my Day 1, Part 2 for their previous presentation on Digital IQ).

So, what did we learn most from this session? Personalization is a key to successfull marketing. LinkedIn allows you to reach professionals and CEOs (something where Facebook and Twitter fail or not particularly relevant).

It would work the best for the B2B companies – where you have a business solution and want to reach out to a business decision maker. An example? it was quite outstanding. Vertic have worked with Vestas (wind energy company) to design a LinkedIn campaign that would target each company they were interested individually: a CEO of Starbucks would see a banner with his company’s name on it when a CEO of Microsoft would see theirs and so on. I couldn’t find the video they used for the presentation, but if you’re interested in finding out about this particular case in detail it’s available on PDF (

So, what if you’re a much smaller company with a smaller solution and you don’t use an ad agency to design all the glitsy campaign for you?

LinkedIn also have an option to send an inMail. Do you have a business solution to sell? Determine who you would want to contact with your solution and search for them on LinkedIn. If you don’t know the names of companies or CEOs – you can also search by categories. But, avoid generic mailer. It has to be personal – from reaching out to them using their name to making a business proposal with their business information taken into consideration. And where you find this information? It’s all on LinkedIn!

The second talk I got to attend was all about organising your orgnisation (or company) when you have a lot of social media channels. This talk was, perhaps, more relevant to organisations that work on a more glabal scale.

There were some great points raised by all the panelists (represented by Danish Cancer Society, Carlsberg, MindJumpers (social media company) and Martin Professional (B2B biz)):

– Content is the key. It’s all good fun sometimes to publish fun photos but the content has to be relevant to your business. Make great content and people will come for your business rather than for fun factor (unless your business is in spreading fun)
– Locals create better content – this is if you have content you want to share abroad – do not rely on Google Translate as it won’t get a cultural aspect accross, could seem offensive to some and might come at the wrong time (taking into account current events in the country). If you’re choosing another company to spread out to – employ locals to speak for you.
– Engage your employees with Social Media – this would be a message of an optimist, but really – if your employees are happy working with you they will be happy to share your messages too. Employees might have their own leads and if they are passionate about their company they will be talking about it left and right and evenetually it will reach the right ear – or right social media channel. This, however, would have to be discussed with the employees first, as there could be some things they might not be allowed to say working for certain industries – but you got the message.

Want to learn something more about the effectiveness of Social Media? Some of the talks are streamed online. The ones I did not make it to today but watched and strongly recommend for you to watch too are these presentations by Better Place & Purpose Makers on why happy employees make for a better company and a some other great ones.

Why We Love Companies With A Purpose – Engaging employees

Why we love companies with a purpose – Mobilizing the crowd

Why we love companies with a purpose – Having an impact and making a difference

Why we love companies with a purpose – We need companies with a purpose

If you have any questions or comments – let me know! I’d be glad to hear them!

Alex @

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